Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Copyright Criminals

Copyright and the use of sampling is very fair in the sense that other people have to pay for the use of other peoples sounds decals and other art pieces is very much fair and that would make sense to ask  the artist for their approval and even compensate them for the usage of their works. The only exception to this is id the idea of item being used is either improved or if the person who was using the idea was in the same room or if the thing being copied isn't copyrighted. Or if the idea is actually in the beginning stages of development and isn't even ready to be copyright so basically when it is still an idea.  I feel like we need need to sample music because we have gotten to a point in music when we as a people have basically accomplished everything as a people  in terms of music so we all kind of need to remix the older music. "Blurred lines lawsuit"Blurred lines by Robin Thicke is a prime example of this "Sampling" law if he would've contacted the Marvin Gaye residence and would've led to this song being a smash hit if he would've gotten the rights to Marvin Gaye's beat to the song "Got to give you up"(Kory,III). Since he didn't do this the Marvin Gaye residence sued Robin Thicke for 7.3 million Dollars, This is a prime example why sampling is such a big deal and is serious and you shouldn't try and steal others work and expect nothing to happen. but in the long run it doesn't sound bad if the song has aspects of other songs doesn't make it bad when in fact it could make it sound better, But original song sound just as good so as long as its catchy its good.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your stance on copyright. Robin thicke could've asked for permission to use the sample even if it only sounded similar. http://blog.sonicbids.com/borrowing-success-how-to-legally-sample-music This link expalins how to properly sample music by asking for permission from the compossor of the track, aswell as the owner of the piece before releasing your version. I agree with your stance on copyright. Robin thicke could've asked for permission to use the sample even if it only sounded similar. http://blog.sonicbids.com/borrowing-success-how-to-legally-sample-music This link expalins how to properly sample music by asking for permission from the compossor of the track, aswell as the owner of the piece before releasing your version.
